Insomnia/Sleep Issues

Difficulty in falling asleep, and the more we “try” to sleep the longer it takes for that to happen; waking up in the middle of the night and being unable to fall back asleep, the mind racing and worrying over not getting a good night-sleep, and anticipating being exhausted tomorrow!

The alarm rings and our body weighs a tonne and our head is fuzzy and already sore, and the prospect of having to get up and get going is just disheartening.

In work we can’t seem to concentrate, people are talking to us but we don’t seem to be able to retain the information, or even grasp concepts and the look in our colleagues or our manager’s face tells us, there is something wrong. Then complaints start arriving that we are irritable, both in work and at home.

Sleep is all important for the correct functioning of our brain, as the night is when the brain gets regenerated, literally recharging with the necessary rest, to be able to take the right decisions to implement our strategies and easily reach our goals. A well rested brain is also able to handle stress well, as the functioning of this organ is directly connected to our nervous system, therefore resiliency starts with some good rest.

This is why it only takes a few days of bad night sleep to feel the effect of it on our bodies and our life, and all too often we just push through in faith that tonight we’ll go to bed earlier and we’ll sleep better, only to realise in hindsight that we don’t even remember the last time we had a full night sleep.

The paradox is that in order to be able to rest deeply we must be in a relaxed state well before we go to bed, with no concerns, with no uneasy feelings, yet because of a lack of adequate sleep we are naturally more emotional and prone to stress, it easily becomes a vicious circle from which is difficult to get out without some help.

Thus the very first thing to do is to learn to relax, however being worry often at the base of sleeping issues it’s a good idea to first work with what constitutes worry for you so that you will be able to sleep deeply once again. Learning some self-hypnosis techniques will be useful for you to fall asleep quickly, and thus return to a healthy sleeping pattern, as well as use regularly to deeply de-stress in challenging times, so as to increase your emotional resiliency.  

Remember: “Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!”


All information contained in this website is for information purposes only. Information contained in this website should not be used by you as medical advice or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. No claims are herewith made that any hypnotherapy treatment can cure any medical condition