The Fear Bubble
If you are stuck with fear, regardless of what area of your life is being affected by it, I really recommend this book. I got it in Aldi’s a few weeks ago for a few Euro and I couldn’t recommend it...
If you are stuck with fear, regardless of what area of your life is being affected by it, I really recommend this book. I got it in Aldi’s a few weeks ago for a few Euro and I couldn’t recommend it...
How many times have you sabotaged your best effort to achieve your goals? We’ve all been there and you may still be wondering why it’s so hard to achieve goals, despite the strategies you may have tried before. Well I don’t know...
How many times have you stopped yourself from doing something because it feels uncomfortable? This is what happens every time we step outside of our comfort zone, whether that’s a job interview, dating, or giving a public speech. For some is...
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